We all know what the moronic Senator from Missouri, Todd Akin, said in regards to rape and “legitimate rape”…I mean, what an absolute lame brain. I’m not sure how the excuse that he misspoke is even possible, it’s obvious the guy simply does not get it. This however, is not the point of this article…the point is the aftermath of his words. I’ve seen countless people in the media and online go after the GOP and Akin, rather than just Akin. I find this to be inappropriate.
However, I find it to be the norm.
When a Republican does something stupid, which happens often, the “other side” attacks the entire party. When a Democrat does something stupid, which also happens often, the “other side” attacks the entire party. This is a baffling way to go about things. If a white person does something bad, are all white people stupid? If a Mormon does something stupid are all Mormons stupid?
It’s a bad road to travel down when we go after a group when one, or even when a handful of people in that group, have done something stupid. As much as I think both parties are full of crap, I get tired of watching the blatant bashing of the whole, when in fact it is only a part. This is quite odd for me to say because typically I’m all about bashing all of them on both sides, but I feel it’s our duty as civilized people to not be so arrogant as to generalize and blame ALL when only a FEW are responsible.
This particular case of Akin brought these thoughts up for me but this idea can hold true in any situation. Let’s be a little more level headed and focus on those responsible rather than the whole herd.
I was incredulous when I first saw Akin make his statement. However he didn’t make up what he said. He was paraphrasing some idiotic doctor whose radical theory was believed by more than each of us would care to know about!
What I hate about this sad situation is that all of this grand standing by his own party (who probably more silently believed the same crap theory) and the Dems, has pushed the insult to women in the background while grown men from Ivy League schools form circle to excoriate one of their own in public view to advance their party’s agenda this fall. Just as in the corporate world, Washington has proved again just why our country has such a “Bullying” problem!
I believe this political year is going to get worse before it gets better.
I couldn’t agree more Cheri…our political system is going down hill like an avalanche and nobody can stop it. It absolutely boggles my mind. All that being said, I am very very very happy to see you!! 🙂