So here I am…again. This blog has been neglected more than a red headed step child but I do have my reasons. Since my last post on August 31,

2012 I have been busy with my two businesses, my wife and I had our son in October of 2012, and I have been busy writing for the two blogs my wife and I share along with a couple others that I guest post on from time to time.
Most of the busyness has been in having the baby and writing roughly 15 to 25 blog posts per month…well, all that and my business stuff. All that aside I really do want to be more consistent on here and I’m hoping this time is the charm. It’s not for lack of material…I write 2,000 to 7,000 words per week, which I feel is pretty darn good. Honestly, the real reason for lack of posting other than being busy is simply not feeling that what I have to say on here is worth reading. I suppose we all go through bouts of that.
As I have written about before, I really enjoy change. It doesn’t scare me; in fact, if I haven’t seen change for some period of time I get restless. Right now is one of those times. The change I’m feeling is in my perspective on some things along with what I spend my days doing. I’ve been feeling that lack of fulfillment in what I do day to day and I’m trying to re-evaluate that and dig beneath the superficial garbage that piles up in order to see what my next direction is.
I’m hoping to get really active in some charitable stuff this year and there have already been some good conversations with some folks about that. I also want to spend more time reading and writing…already doing that as well but I need to start hitting the publish button more often. Another goal is to possibly team up with some different folks and get creative, this is vague right now but I have things in my head I’m thinking about.
I have not yet decided how often I will post on here, planning on at least once per week. It may be some of my thoughts, it may be a quote, a photo of the day type thing, or some idea that I have. Let the good times roll.
I will leave you with this quote:
“We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise we harden.“- Goethe (saw this on
It’s kind of fitting as to how I feel right now. Without change, in my mind, there is no progress.
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