Do you like the story you’re telling? Are you living the best story you could be living? Is the story you’re living even worth being told? We have choices. We can choose to sit in the darkness or sit in the light. We can choose to sit in the ugliness or, we can choose to sit in the beauty that this entire world holds for us. The world owes you nothing. It is a privilege to be here. If you are unable to do things for yourself, ask for help. Make the choice and do what so many of us do, remind yourself that you have one fucking shot at life and it is, without question, worth living to the fucking fullest.
Why do so many of us live the stories that we think other people want us to live? And why do so many of us push our stories on others? Let people be. Encourage people to be themselves. Choose to be yourself in this world. You owe yourself that.
All I have is my life. I can give my blank pages to someone else or I can use those pages and do something with them. I can be creative, find the people I love and that love me, or do something for others. I can remind myself everyday that I need to do these things and more.
Be passionate about something — anything. Don’t hide behind mediocrity. Do something that will help others…change the world. Changing the world isn’t scary. Changing the world happens when you impact one life, then another. Start small – work on changing your corner of the world.
I don’t really know what I’m trying to say. Maybe I’m writing this in an attempt to wake myself up and motivate myself to live a better story. None of it will matter when I’m gone but it matters to me now. We get stuck though. We allow excuses to hold us back into these comfortable little boxes.
We have to stop letting the noise get in our way. We have to stop letting the static, obligation, and excuses be our guiding light. We need to free ourselves from the shackles of those things. Instead, we must lift our heads and let the sunshine hit our faces, remember the darkness but not live in it, and remind ourselves every day why we are doing what we’re doing. We owe these things (and more) to ourselves.
There is something out there for each of us. Today, I believe that completely. It’s up to us to do the work though. That’s what life is, that journey between birth and death. The choices we make are the part in the middle where we make a story…in fact, we aren’t making one story we are making hundreds, thousands, and millions. Long stories or short stories – they are our stories. When your last day comes, what will be your story?
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