Well, we’re not really gone, just moved. We moved from the East side of Paso Robles to the West side. It’s something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time now, and we just did it this weekend! We are now just 4 short blocks from the Downtown park. We timed our walk down and figure it’s about 8 minutes. Awesome!
Yeah, moving is never fun, but we’ve been gearing up for this for a while now and think we did a pretty good job. One of our goals with this move was to “downsize”. For us that meant getting rid of the things we don’t need, use, like, or have room for. The stuff we’ve kept are the things that we actually use, really like, and need on a day to day basis.
We’ve sold a TON of stuff on Craigslist, made numerous trips to the Goodwill, and given things to family and friends. It’s pretty amazing how much stuff we accumulate over time. No matter how much you say you won’t, you do. Not sure if that’s a human thing, or an American thing or what, but we still have more stuff to ditch to get to the point we’d like to be at. Why dust a bunch of stuff that you never do anything with except walk past and notice how dusty it is? Why feel obligated to hang on to a chair that your Great Aunt gave you in an effort to honor the memory of your Aunt? Maybe there’s a better way to honor her, than to take up space with a chair that’s not very comfortable.
So, the moral of the story is that we’re on an adventure…this is a bit of an experiment for both of us. We’ve moved out of a home built in 2004 with a huge backyard, and 2 car garage to a smaller place built in the 1920’s (or so…). It’s nestled in the oak trees and has a lot of really cool characteristics. There’s a pull-down phone seat in the hallway with a little shelf for the phone; there’s a milk cupboard on the back porch with the order dial still intact, for getting your deliveries from the milkman.
What sort of change or adventure have you done that pushes you outside of your comfort bubble? Something that makes you adapt and grow, makes you wonder why you live the way you’ve been living? It can be as small as buying a different brand of milk, or as big as selling all your possessions and moving to another country. Ours isn’t quite that big, but it is a pretty cool trip so far!
Ahhhhhhh…..it’s such a great feeling to do what you’ve just done. My husband and I did the same thing in 2003. We had lived in our old house for 16 years. The day we decided to look for a home closer to the city I took a look around the room and announced, “None of this STUFF is going with us.” Tom looked at me like I had lost my mind. However one 22 yard construction dumpster later, he realized that I had not. He said it was the easiest move he ever made. lol
Good for you two. And enjoy your new surroundings.
Hey Cheri, thanks for sharing your experience! It’s pretty freeing to get rid of all the stuff! The amazing thing is, there’s still more!!! Where did it all come from? We’re enjoying so far, this little place has a lot of character!
Congratulations! We just downsized our garage and basement…and let me tell you, the stuff we gave/threw away fit in four large trucks! Feels great! I just hope there’s room for visits at your new place: there’s always room here!
Kris – we kept enough wine glasses to share with visitors! Glad to hear you guys are getting spiffed up…always nice to make space, as long as you don’t fill it back up! 😉
wow, you left that nice backyard view, welll…..this place has to be even better. I know I did some spring cleaning a while back and now more stuff has accumulated specially since I’m off work, you’d think I’d have time to clean, but my husband needs help in that area too, when we do throw stuff out to the Good Will it sure feels good. Good luck in your new home.
We did leave that backyard, Bev…but we traded that for a quick walk downtown and views of the hills and treetops! It’s a change, but we’re enjoying it! Thanks for the good wishes!
I think Downtown Paso is a GREAT backyard for you guys!
Congrats on your ‘Down-scale’ move, and maybe we can ALL
be inspired to be more “MINIMAL” in the future!
xoxoMomo 😀
We think so, too Mo! Thanks for the support…you’da best!!! Cheers!!!
When’s the party???
We’ll come knocking on your door soon! Just say when…..
Congrats on the move! Our dream is to move from Los Angeles to Paso Robles, downsize and live a simpler life! All we can do for now is visit PR often! Enjoy!
Thanks, Pat! It’s been fun so far…and being able to walk right downtown is awesome. Visiting PR often is a pretty good gig, too!!! Cheers!
Pat-We’re right behind you, I would love to move to PR.
I have a friend that recently purchased a home right on Vine Street, also walking distance to the park. Unfortunately for him, he won’t be able to make the move, so he’s planning on renting it out until he’s ready. One day I’ll make the move!
Hey Pat and Bev, sounds like we need to have an intervention and get you all up here, STAT!!!
We can call us “All in the Family” lol Another cool idea to have a FB fan club reunion so we all can meet. everyone. Cheers!
Sounds like fun, Bev! Let us know when and where and we’ll bring the wine! Cheers!!!
We’re coming up for Wine Fest in May!
Hi Guys!
Congratulations! Can’t wait to see the new place and I think it is a great idea. It is awesome to push yourself into new ways of being.
Hey Gina D! Yes, a push…we’re adjusting to our new side of the tracks quite well! It’s cool over here, come on over!!!