We went on the hunt for something a little different; something new and refreshing, that could be enjoyed by anybody at any time! What might this be, you ask (yeah, the title was a give-away)??? Exactly! Non-alcoholic sparkling wine. Now, before you start wondering what we’re up to, we’ve found that there is a time and a place for things like this…for example; you love wine, wine tasting, food and wine, wine and friends, well you get the idea, but you’ve just found out that you’re pregnant and you can’t drink!
Wait! What? Yes, that’s right! I’m pregnant. I’m not all that far along and some might think we’re crazy for telling you so early on, but we’re excited NOW and want to share it! This is our first-ever experience with this kind of thing and we couldn’t be more ecstatic about it all!
So, in light of being healthy and all that, I’ve given up drinking alcohol. I thought this might be a difficult thing for me, since I’ve been enjoying my wine for a VERY (20 years or so, don’t do the math) long time. I’ve heard everything from “I didn’t drink a drop my entire pregnancy” to “It’s fine to have wine when you NEED it” to “I know a mother who drank and smoked all through her pregnancy and her kids were okay!”. All very interesting arguments, but I figure that this is my one shot at bringing a person into this world and I’m going to do everything I can to make it my best shot!
Not to ramble on…but I’m a pretty healthy girl; I rarely get sick, I’m not allergic to anything, I can stomach just about anything, my ancestors lived really long lives (some over 100 years old) and I’m stubborn as a mule. I figure that all these things put together should give the little one a pretty good chance, along with the fact that Hoot’s got strong genes and an even stronger conviction. So here we go! Off on another adventure…and we’re happy that you’re along for the ride with us!On to more important things, shall we? Yes, the Sparkling! J. Lohr Winery makes a whole line of Non-alcoholic wines under the label Ariel. They’ve got everything from Sparkling to Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, and more! With the Holidays coming up, I thought the Sparkling would be perfect…and it even tastes good (no, really it does)! Almost like the real thing! I used to wonder why anybody would bother drinking NA wine and now I know one VERY good reason! Pregnancy! A girl just needs a little something fancier than sparkling water in her glass once in a while!
Interesting. I never knew J. Lohr made this product line. And if you say it tastes like the real thing….I might give it a shot. 😉 What’s the price point for these NA wines??
Congrats again my friends. I could NOT be happier for you both. xoxox
Hey there Amanda…I believe the price point on the sparkling is about $8 or $9 per bottle. Not sure about the others yet!! Thank you…we really do appreciate all the love, pretty amazing!
WoW! I had no knowledge of the Ariel label! Sounds like an excellent alternative 🙂 ….But like I told Matt,
there’s always the option to taste and ‘spit’. But since Toby Keith doesn’t believe in wasting alcohol (LoL),
you’ll have to use “Yellow Solo” cups!! Sounds like a new song to me!!! Congrats again Annie!! Love you
guys!! :*
The Ariel label is a great concept, there’s definitely a place in the market for it! When you have a reason, it’s definitely a great alternative! Thanks, Mo!! xoxo
Good for you, Annie! Congratulations!
Thank you for the recommendation. I ordered this wine for our work event, and am looking forward to it being refined, while not having to worry about people driving home. I would not have been able to find a non-acoholic sparkling wine, otherwise.
That’s awesome Beth, glad you found something you can use. You never want to worry about people driving, good call! 🙂