Here we are again…that time of the year! Christmas creeps up on us every year…summer comes and goes and then, BAM! It’s Christmas already. They don’t even really let us enjoy Halloween or Thanksgiving before they inundate us with decorations, music, and ads for strange gifts that we just can’t live without.
What’s wrong with society? Why can’t they just let us enjoy the moments? Life is short, but we don’t have to rush it along, do we? We’re working on enjoying what’s happening NOW, not tomorrow or the next day. It’s a difficult thing to do sometimes, because things are flying by us at a mile a minute, but if you can just slow it down and pay attention to THIS moment, I promise you’ll have a different view on life.
There are so many things in life that affect how you look at the world, and Christmas is one of those times that makes you reflect on what’s important. We’re in one of those reflective times and wanted to share some of it with you. As you may have seen in our recent posts here and on Facebook and Twitter, we were pregnant. Unfortunately, we miscarried…which has been quite a learning experience for us. It’s shown us several things; one being that we know how much we’d like to have a child, another is how much we feel love and support from our family and friends. It’s also helped us to refocus and appreciate the things we have right now. We have each other, we have our incredible family and friends, and we have YOU!
So the point of this corny Christmas message is that you don’t get do-overs, but as long as you’re breathing you can make right now matter. It goes back to what we have talked about so much, life is meant to be lived. If you are just filling space, it’s time to step outside and live a life that matters. Even with the miscarriage, we have CHOSEN to take a look at the positive that came out of it, because that is the only aspect of this that we control…how we react to the situation.
How can we be upset when we so much love and support? How can we be upset when we have each other? How can we be upset when we got to experience how much love we felt toward this little nugget of life? Choose to live your life. Choose to enjoy the little moments, because those are the ones that matter. Choose to take the positive road versus the one that ends up eating you alive.
To all of you that read this junk we throw out into the world, to all of you that interact with us, to our friends and family…you truly do mean the world to us. Our world is better because of each one of you and we hope we are able to put a little bit of laughter or positivity into your lives. So please, enjoy this Christmas…but make everyday as special as Christmas is suppose to be. Live in the moments and appreciate those around you.
We wish you the most amazing Christmas…enjoy the people, not the stuff! Cheers!!
Ahhhh, Matt and Annie I’m so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Time goes by faster as we get older, thats what they tell me, lol, unfortunately its true! I want to wish my favorite blogger a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We love you, hugs!
Hi Bev, thanks so much! Enjoy each holiday moment and we love you, too!!!
Happy Holidays to you too!!! I’m enjoying my Christmas Eve by laying on the couch watching the Niners. No stress!
Sorry to hear about your loss! My guess is Annie’s body didn’t know what to do with the lack of wine…My MD told me while prego to have a glass of red wine every day. A happy, relaxed mother makes for a happy, relaxed baby…Good luck in the future!!!
I always LOVE your positive attitude!!! Keep taking care of each other, Cyndee
We enjoyed our Christmas Eve in the very same way, Cyndee! Go NINERS!!! Thank you for your good thoughts, and you’re probably right about the wine thing! See you soon! xoxo
Well said my friends! Love you guys!
Thank you, Kelly girl! Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! Can’t wait to see you guys!!!
Love you Guys! Your’re the “AWESOMEST-est”!! :*
Thanks, Mo! We think you’re pretty awesome too!!!! Merry Christmas!!!
Hi guys,
I can’t tell you how much I needed to read this. The holidays can be such a stressful time, but I believe it is important to always be thankful for what one has and to stay focused on what is important… Living a meaningful, happy life. You never know what life has in store for you, but I think that’s what makes living such an amazing experience. Thank you for reminding me of this, today. Cheers!
Hey Ashley…glad you read this! It’s hard to admit that sometimes the Holidays are harder than they ‘could’ be! There’s the fantasy about what it ‘should’ be like that gets us so caught up in what we do. What if we all just did what makes us happy… In that exact moment I stead of what we think we should be doing? Merry Christmas to YOU!!!!
Hey Guys,
So sorry to read this news. I was going to cry for you until I read your very wise, thoughtful and evolved words of wisdom. You two are inspiring and amazing in a world that can be downright nuts sometimes. Thank you for the reminder about what is truly important. Glad you two are in our little neck of the woods and put thoughts like these out into the universe, even in the face of your own challenges. I hope 2012 is fantastic for your both.
Wow, thank you so much for your kind words, Shonna! It’s great to hear all the support and love out there! The world is definitely nuts, but we’re trying to keep it as sane and real as possible over here! Happy Holidays and can’t wait to see what the new year brings!!!