This past Sunday we were hanging around at home having a relaxing morning when we had a spur of the moment idea to go on up to Calcareous Winery. We hadn’t been there for over a year and Hoot had recently included Calcareous Winery in an article he wrote for about some of the best views in Paso. Why not go and enjoy a lazy Sunday afternoon with a view?
Why Calcareous Winery?
This could not have been a better day! The weather was perfect; clear, sunny, and about 80 degrees. We also got to see Christy, she works at Calcareous Winery and if memory serves us correctly, she’s the one that invented our “Hoot n Annie” name. Along with Christy we chatted with Pat, a super cool guy behind the bar working that wine pouring magic. You get the picture, right? Calcareous has some great people pouring their wines, which makes the experience all that much better, and brings us back!
Annie had packed up a picnic so we sat out on their big, wide open lawn and let the sun do that thing that it does, all while sipping on a lovely Viognier and Roussanne blend.
We hung out up there for about three hours and to be honest…it was one of the most relaxing days we’ve had in a while. There was nothing to do…phones weren’t ringing, no errands to run…nothing. Just wine, snacks, bare feet in the grass, and catching up on some nice deep breathes and sunshine! Oh yeah, and Bodie the winery dog kept us company all afternoon! Not sure what it is about letting the sun warm your skin on a beautiful Spring day with the grass between your toes, but it’s a pretty powerful combo!
Do yourself a favor, go grab a spur of the moment adventure like this and reconnect with life!
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Wow, what a great idea, wish we had places like that to go to, but we don’t. Glad you enjoyed the nice sunny Sunday afternoon together. Cheers!
I bet there’s a place somewhere near you that you could go for a little fresh air and some grass between your toes, Bev! If not…go in your own backyard and pretend! 😉
There’s the park that I use to walk with my friend, looks like I could do that again since my temp position ended yesterday….boohoooo. When one door closes another opens, something better will come along. Have a great day. : )
Well, Bev…selfishly, we’re glad to have you back! And yes, way to stay positive, I’m sure something will come around for you!
I just don’t get out on adventures as much as I did before they closed the Mustang Ranch. I need a new hobby. If you’re out and about on St. Pats day there will be green wine and tri-tip here. Actually the tri-tip may or may not be green. Depends on how long we age them.
Gary, it’s good to have a hobby…keeps you out of trouble, although I’m not sure that’s possible! We’ll be out of town on St. Pats day, but will drink something green in your honor!
Thanks Hoot, nice to be back, although I never really left, just didn’t reply as often.
I love Bodie!!!
Yeah….Bodie made our day!!! Not that it was a rough day up there or anything, but he was pretty damn cool to hang out with!
Another terrific adventure!
Yes, Denise…another one in the books! Have a great weekend!!!
Calcareous just won the sweapstakes, best wine , at the San Diego Intl. wine comp. with their syrah. I voted for it. A spectacular wine. I wish I had made it.
Wow, that’s great news, Gary! Thanks for the update…we’ll have to give it a try!!!