There we go again, out being active in this insanely awesome county we live in! This time we landed in downtown San Luis Obispo (otherwise known as SLO), which we have obviously hung out in before but we often neglect because Annie drives 35 minutes from Paso Robles to SLO everyday for work…so that can get old for her. We headed over the Cuesta Grade down into SLO with the purpose of hitting up a couple spots we often walk right by.
Why do locals miss out on the local stuff, like San Luis Obispo?
I think we all do that, no matter who we are or where we live, so many of us take our city/ county/ state for granted. We blindly walk by the beauty that surrounds us and complain to whoever will listen that there’s “nothing to do around here” and how we need to move somewhere with more culture or more to do. If you find yourself saying that…maybe it’s you that lack culture and the ability to be fun…not the area in which you live. I can say that because I use to be that way!!
This year, 2012, has been the year Annie and I decided we were going to be more active and do more of the “tourist” thing in our own county…we started out the year calling it 50 Adventures in 2012…and the saga continues!
First we went and hung out in front of the mission (Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa) and took in the scene. First thing you notice is the obvious Spanish mission style building with the orange tile roof that has moss growing on it…the visual is beautiful! We walked around part of the grounds and it really is very peaceful, maybe that’s the history coming through or it could have something to do with how introspective Annie and I get when we’re around history and stories…if these walls could talk!!
After a few exterior photos we stepped inside the church (I’m assuming that’s what that part of it was, the building is quite large and we only went into this area) and the same feelings continued. My feelings in here weren’t quite as deep as walking into the cathedral we went to in Aachen, Germany or Notre Dame in Paris…but I think that just comes with how much older and historic those places are. That being said, I still get this feeling in my gut, of all the history that has happened in and around that specific building. If you’re like me at all, and can be reflective and introspective, it can be quite moving.
This might seem slightly strange but after visiting the mission we decided to do a polar opposite and go visit the famous (or infamous) Bubblegum Alley between 733 and 734 Higuera Street. You can read about the history of it here, but beyond that I have a few thoughts. I think it’s fun, funny, and quite the novelty spot but in my own O.C.D. mind, it’s rather disgusting. I mean, I can walk down the alley and avoid vomiting which is good, but it just seems…well…odd. Similar to having the biggest ball of string as a tourist attraction (although string would be cleaner I assume), but hey…if it works to draw in the people than I’m all for it.
As you’ll see in the photos we even exposed Little Browne to Bubblegum Alley!! We also went and ate in SLO but I’m saving that for a separate blog post due to the fact that it turned into a food adventure…truly amazing!! To wrap this post up I just want to say again, get out there and explore. There’s cool shiz in every town and around every corner, so put on your Indiana Jones hat and grab your bullwhip and get crackin’ people! There is NO TIME like the present!!
Looking good Annie, Yuck, I’m with you a weird thing to do on a wall, but like you said their is History and it brings out the tourist. Hope you enjoyed the adventure in SLO, love that place especially the Apple Farm.
We had a great time Bev!! And yes, the Apple Farm is awesome too, been a while since we’ve been there but such a quaint little spot!! Cheers!