Today I leave you with a handful of articles I have found online that interested me in some way. Due to the amount of time I spend online for work, researching and searching for content, I tend to find thought provoking nuggets. So today, and for the weekend ahead, I leave you with this reading material.
Gerard Depardieu Says He Can Drink ’12, 13, 14 Bottles’ of Wine a Day
If this were true he would be dead. It’s entertaining to think he does though, I mean, the guy is a nut sack and always has been. I don’t mean that as a knock against his career or anything…it’s just the truth, the guy is crazy and I’d love to have a beer with him.
Sir Hegarty Gives Cutting Summation of Wine Industry
I think this article is a bit over the top. I mean, generally speaking I think I agree with him but it’s such a simple way to state the issues in the wine world. There are nuances in the wine industry as with any industry and although I agree on some level I think he needs to tone down the rhetoric.
This is pretty wild. Over 8,000 wineries in the U.S. Part of me thinks it’s okay because capitalism, like the animal kingdom, weeds out the weak ones. On the other hand, holy crap people…that’s a lot of choices.
California Winery Fined $115,000 For Using Volunteer Workers
I think this is utter bullshit. As someone that has owned businesses since early 2006 I understand liability and all that but volunteerism in the wine business has always been around. Based on my pitiful ‘insider knowledge’, almost every winery on the Central Coast will get this fine as well. Be careful out there. The government is out to get you any way it can.
J. Lohr Winery Celebrates its 40th Anniversary
A big congrats to the J. Lohr family. They are a LARGE producer but they are producing some great wines. To be honest, out of the handful of large producers I have tasted, J. Lohr is the best…especially when you look at price points for the quality. Beyond that, they have great customer service, they care about the environment, and they give a lot back to the wine industry and to the communities in which they farm and make wine. Cheers!
This article was in response to the one above about the shitty scenario the wine industry supposedly finds itself in. Is there wine brand loyalty? Honestly, it’s a ridiculous question. Is there car brand loyalty? Is there toilet paper brand loyalty? Yes and no. That’s it. Some folks are loyal because they get stuck in a rut (or think something is superior for whatever reason) but there are also people who like to try all types of different things.
Loyalty exists…so does the opposite. Is this question, or conversation, even worth having? At the end of the day, every business needs to work their ass off to create a brilliant product or service, then they need to have extraordinary customer service and then they need to hustle like nobody has ever hustled before. Build relationships and provide the experience.
That’s all I have for today. Just thought I’d give you some weekend reading.
I am new to the wine world even though I have been drinking it for over 10 years. My sister in law is the wise one. She has always brought over bottles that she favors and they never disappointed. Four years ago i started to buy my own and read about wine and I had the privilege of visiting Napa in March and it was a privilege!! I really enjoy your blog and i am learning so much. Thank you for the time you put into it.
Thank you, Monica. 🙂 There’s always something to learn about wine. Such an interesting beverage and industry. Cheers!