Our buddy Jen told me about a group here in Paso Robles that puts on a Thanksgiving dinner for “those in need whether it be financial hardship or needing to be with others on this holiday.” (Quote from co-director, David Kudija). You can check this link here but to give some details, the event is held at the Centennial Park Activity Center (600 Nickerson Road, Paso Robles) on November 26 from 12:00pm to 2:00pm.
As of right now it sounds like they may still need some volunteers on the days leading up to the event as well as on the day of the event (check the website for those details and call them). If volunteering isn’t possible may I strongly encourage a financial donation? The fact that 800 or more Paso Roblans will be fed on this day is rather amazing. The fact that this is ONLY made possible by the selfless volunteers and financial donations is remarkable.
The only way our communities stay strong is through compassion. It’s through the giving of time and money. Give one or the other. Give both if and when you can. Small communities like Paso Robles are, quite literally, the foundation of this country and on a grander scale…the world. If there were not compassionate people and groups in every community around the world, where would we be?
The answer to that question is that we would, without question, be more screwed up than we are. Please take the time to share this and help this group handle business. One person can absolutely make a huge difference. If you don’t believe that, go ask the kids eating their Thanksgiving dinner who may not otherwise have eaten that day…go ask the people that can afford to eat but are lonely and depressed.
Thank you and I really appreciate any help (time or money) that you can offer to this group.

Thank you so much for doing the Centennial Park Thanksgiving event. I volunteer to work with 2 organizations serving the homeless. Some of them will be coming to Centennial Park. Transitional Food and Shelter, Inc., (NoWhereToGo.com) has 6 temporary apts. for homeless disabled, and they have their own kitchenettes, and we got them turkeys from the Food Bank. Paso Cares is a warming shelter for homeless sleeping outdoors in the cold and rain. They usually eat lunch and supper at Second Baptist, but the programs will be closed Thanksgiving, and the people will be going to Centennial Park.
Volunteers are needed to chaperone the people in the warming shelter. The homeless people will be screened at Second Baptist before being admitted to the shelter. There are 2 volunteer chaperones every night, so they can take turns sleeping. Please spread the word . Anyone wishing to be a chaperone can email me at pearltrans@aol.com with his contact information. Thank you.
Awesome, Pearl. Thank you so much for sharing! And for all you’re doing for those in need.