It’s now been a few weeks since our trip to Shaver Lake and it still pops up in my head from time to time. It was the first-time Annie and I had gone to the snow together and Sammy’s first time in his life.
Where we stayed and places we ate:
We stayed at the Shaver Lake Village Hotel which was a cozy spot run by some very nice people. They were quite helpful and eager to please. The way it’s laid out is pretty cool too. There’s kind of an outdoor gathering area, which was covered in snow, so it made for fast access to snowballs and sledding.
We ate at Shaver Lake Pub N Grub twice, Shaver Lake Pizza once, and Blue Sky Café once. My favorite out of these three spots was the Pub N Grub simply because I like that bar/ pub vibe. Like going to Pappy McGregor’s here in Paso Robles. We also went to the Short Horn Bar & Grill a few times. We didn’t eat there but did partake in adult beverages. This place was awesome simply because the locals, bartender included, were so cool to us and to Sammy. Fun spot for sure.
The few days we were there we basically got up in the morning and hung out for a bit. Had our little breakfast, I got work done, then we’d head out into the snow to play and explore. We went to a couple of the snow parks to play and also went down around the lake and did the same. You’ll see a bunch of photos in the slideshow below. Annie wanted to go up to China Peak, she hadn’t been in a very long time.
Sammy got to see the lifts working as the skiers and snowboarders doing their thing. He was really into it. Said he wanted to learn to snowboard so I guess family snowboarding lessons are in the future. It was a great trip overall and we look forward to making a yearly snow trip from now on. That said, we also want to go back up to Shaver Lake in the spring to enjoy it during a non-snow season.
That’s the trip in a nutshell. I will say this though, for some reason, after getting back home, I felt different inside. I’m not really sure why. We take trips somewhat regularly (last year we went to Monterey, San Francisco, Phoenix, and Boston) so I don’t think it’s the novelty of going somewhere new and different. It’s a similar feeling to when Annie and I went to Aachen, Germany and Paris, France in October of 2011. That was my first time overseas and it really changed me and my perspective on things.
Now to find out why I’m having similar thoughts now. Until then, party on.
Thanks again to the cool folks of Shaver Lake. We’ll be back.

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