We have become desensitized to the things that actually carry weight. We’ve become so hung up on the car we drive, the clothes we wear, the house we live in, and how big our tv screen is. The fact that it makes us feel better that “our clothes” are “cooler” then “their clothes” is mind boggling.
Does the “value of you” come from a car? A pair of pants? The house you live in? If you think it does you are most certainly missing the point and quite honestly it saddens me that we have let things get to this point. Yes, I said we…I have been and am guilty of this as well. And the reason I can be honest about it is because this is part of the “Grand Change” I want for my life.
I want to live life in such a way that material things can’t bind me, that society does not dictate my value, and more than anything else I want to be a person that helps others out of that abyss. This journey is indeed the most amazing thing I know of, and I am tired of wasting it on always trying to have the next BEST thing. My 3 series BMW isn’t enough I need the 5 series. These $50 jeans aren’t hip enough, I need those over there that cost $150.
Where does it stop? When does it end? Is this the battle you choose for yourself? I know the definition of happiness is/ can be subjective, but is the ongoing battle to have bigger, better, faster, cooler really a battle you can ever “win”? I prefer the battle of always being better today than I was the day before, being helpful, learning, growing, and defeating evil-doers (lol, thanks Mr. Bush for making that so fun to say).
Happiness is not an external pursuit, it is absolutely an internal pursuit. If you are not happy on the inside you can never project it consistently on the outside. Do something today that makes you happy and screw the rest of the world!!
And so I question why I feel imprisoned working here in corporate L.A. Why do I take corporate jobs that enslave me all year to give me two weeks to actually live my life? And where can I possibly travel in those 2 weeks? How much of the world can I see in that short amount of time?
Let’s move to Australia, Matt.
That’s the ongoing battle, finding a way to make money that doesn’t steal your entire life from you. I’m in the midst of some big life changes, working on them anways, and I’ll be honest…I am happier today then ever before. Taking my life back!! And I’m down with moving to Australia!! lol Thanks for the comment!!
Matthew, I think you’ve just defined the circles you want to move within, because isn’t that what all of the accoutrements are about anyway? I read a blog today that has nothing to do with this topic except the comment I made does apply: you hear (and therefore live) the truth you need. The coolest thing about your personal truth, it evolves as you evolve. 🙂
Well put Cheri, I love the feeling of evolving and growing forward. I dig your insights on such things, you seem to have really been on your own path as well!! It is one incredible journey- if we let it be!!