After reading this blog post by Seth Godin it got me thinking about my experiences when people and free shit meet. I’ve seen people at the Farmer’s markets (as Seth points out in his post), at Costco, and even at Chamber of Commerce Mixer’s…and to be honest, I view it less from … [Read more...]
Celebrating The Differences
I don’t think there is anything better that you could give someone than acceptance. The gift of accepting people for who they are not only loosens the tie of expectation (which is crap, your expectations of another are not fair) but it removes the stress from the situation. The … [Read more...]
A Few Tips That Will Change Your Entire World
It is amazing to me how much “environment” impacts thoughts, attitude, and purpose…as I sit here on a Friday evening looking out on the Pacific Ocean from a beach house that friends own in Morro Bay, CA.; I find myself contemplating why so many people ALLOW life to happen to them … [Read more...]
All I Can Do IS All I Can Do
Do you ever go through those times where you feel like you don’t have time to catch your breath? I’m sure you do, seems fairly common nowadays. I’ve been feeling that way lately because I’m trying to split my time between two careers that are quite different and demand a lot of … [Read more...]
Are you simply filling a space in time?
If so, that sucks for you, and for those of us that actually want to accomplish shit! This can apply to any position you have in the business or personal world, but I am going to use the example of Mayor to explain my message. Let’s take Mayor Joe Blow (clever made up name I … [Read more...]
Ask and You Just May Receive
I’ve read a few blog posts about this, and even written about it myself if I’m not mistaken. The theory of actually “asking for what you want” in life and/ or in business; my belief is that most people do not do this and would not even think of doing this. Why? Because, as humans … [Read more...]
Losing Sight of Your Life
We have become desensitized to the things that actually carry weight. We’ve become so hung up on the car we drive, the clothes we wear, the house we live in, and how big our tv screen is. The fact that it makes us feel better that “our clothes” are “cooler” then “their clothes” … [Read more...]
Attached Purpose
Do you ever feel like something is missing from your life? I’m sure, like most people, you have. What I’ve realized from my life experience, thinking endlessly about how to improve the short time we are here, and reading other peoples view points on such things, is this: without … [Read more...]
Perspective & A Life Of Choice
I am and always have been a huge fan of success, the problem though, was that I always defined success solely in terms of money and stuff (a nice word for material crap or shit). And to continue this thread of honesty, I still really, REALLY like money…it’s fun and can also … [Read more...]
Tucson and the Lack of Accountability
After the tragedy in Tucson, Arizona (in which 6 people died and 12 were wounded) there has been much criticism over the state of politics in America. The discussion has been about the level that political rhetoric has risen to as well as all the anger and frustration brewing in … [Read more...]